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Nine Foundations Pledge $459 Million to Forests, Indigenous Rights, and Lands to Combat Climate Change

By J Nastranis

NEW YORK (IDN) – Ahead of the Global Climate Action Summit in San Francisco, nine of the world’s leading philanthropic foundations have decided on the protection, restoration, and expansion of forests and lands worldwide and the recognition of indigenous peoples’ and traditional communities’ collective land rights and resource management.

For the purpose, they have announced their intent “to commit at least” $459 million for what they aver are “powerful and under-appreciated climate solutions and must be urgent global priorities to help avert the worst threats from a warmer world”.


Former UN Chief and Bill Gates on Board as the Netherlands Accelerates Climate Adaptation

By Reinhard Jacobsen

AMSTERDAM (IDN) – Former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will oversee the Global Commission on Adaptation to climate change, which the Government of the Netherlands and the Global Center on Adaptation have decided to set up. It will be formally launched on October 16 in The Hague. Bill Gate, Co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and World Bank CEO Kristalina Georgieva will support Ban.

The Global Center on Adaptation, an international organization hosted by the Netherlands, in partnership with World Resources Institute will co-host the Commission.


Engaging with Faith and Faith Actors on Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development

Viewpoint by Sudarshan Reddy Kodooru

The author is Convener of the Asia Pacific Faith-based Coalition (APFC*) for Sustainable Development and Regional Director, Faith & Development, East Asia at World Vision International. The following is based on his speech during APFC’s first annual meeting on August 29-31, 2018 in Tokyo, Japan. – The Editor

BANGKOK (IDN) – We live in an age unparalleled by any other and hovering at the intersection of various and often-competing forces. Any traces of the thin veneer of isolation have been wiped away by globalization. Today, we face challenges incomparable in magnitude to any previous age, many look to faith for developmental solutions.


A Mountain to Climb Before December UN Climate Summit

By Ramesh Jaura

BERLIN (IDN) – Despite growing calls for urgent and strong climate change action, a crucial round of talks concluded in Bangkok on September 9 with what UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa has termed “uneven progress”.

The Chair of the Least Developed Countries (LDC) Group, Gebru Jember Endalew of Ethiopia finds that “progress has been slow” in Bangkok, Thailand’s capital city. Mohamed Adow, Christian Aid’s International Climate Lead feels relieved that “scuppering the ship” has been averted.


UN, Member States, Funding Institutions Unite to Ensure Security and Development in the Lake Chad Region

By Ramesh Jaura

BERLIN (IDN) – More than 17 million people across north-eastern Nigeria and parts of Cameroon, Chad and Niger, comprising the Lake Chad region, are facing a complex crisis driven by extreme poverty, climate change and violent conflict compounded by the terrorist activities of Boko Haram, a jihadist militant organization. As a result, more than 2.4 million people are displaced and over 10 million people need assistance to meet their basic protection and humanitarian needs.

Against this backdrop, 70 delegations from governments, regional and international organizations and civil society representatives participating in the High Level Conference on the Lake Chad Region have agreed on an aid package of US$ 2.17 billion to support humanitarian and peacebuilding as well as development activities to ensure security in the area.


BIMSTEC Viable, Though SAARC Deadlocked

By Sugeeswara Senadhira

The author is Director (Research & International Media), Presidential Secretariat in Colombo. This article first appeared in Ceylon Today on September 3, and is being reproduced with the author’s permission. – The Editor

COLOMBO (IDN-INPS) – Sri Lanka, as the new Chair of the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) has a special responsibility of ensuring speedy cooperation of the member states of the Bay region. Though this is not an easy task, Sri Lanka is fortunate because it can get maximum support from the regional super economic power, India, for this endeavour.


UN Chief Urges Greater Investment in Diplomacy for Peace

By António Guterres

Inclusive mediation requires paying greater attention to the gender dimensions of conflict, including conflict-related sexual violence and the gendered impact of decisions around post-war reconstruction, says UN Secretary-General António Guterres. Following are his  remarks, as delivered to the Security Council, to the open debate on the maintenance of international peace and security: mediation and the peaceful resolution of conflicts, in New York on August 29. – The Editor

NEW YORK (IDN-INPS) – War is becoming increasingly complex — and so is mediating peace.


Kazakhstan Persistently Pursuing Peace and Security Agenda

By Santo D. Banerjee

NEW YORK (IDN) – Four months before Kazakhstan’s eventful two-year non-permanent membership of the Security Council comes to an end, the Central Asian Republic continues to make its presence felt in an organ of the United Nations, which has primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security.

2018 began with Kazakhstan, as the first Central Asian country ever, assuming presidency of the Council during the month of January with the aim to make a feasible contribution to the peaceful settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli confrontation, conflicts in the Middle East, Afghanistan, Central Asia, the de-escalation of tensions on the Korean Peninsula, and the resolution of crises in Africa and Asia.


Guterres Urges Security Council to Work with Myanmar, Says Rohingya Refugees Lack Life-Saving Assistance

By António Guterres

A report released on August 27 by UN investigators accused Myanmar’s military of carrying out mass killings and gang rapes of the Rohingya with “genocidal intent” and called for prosecution of the country’s commander-in-chief, senior General Ming Aung Hlaing, and five generals. On August 28, UN Secretary-General António Guterres spoke “with a heavy heart” to the Security Council meeting on Myanmar asking for those behind the Rohingya crisis to be held accountable. – The Editor

NEW YORK (IDN-INPS) – […] The massive refugee emergency that began one year ago in Rakhine State, Myanmar, has become one of the world’s worst humanitarian and human rights crises.


Indigenous Peoples in the Grip of ‘Criminalization’, Warns New UN Report

By Jaya Ramachandran

GENEVA (IDN) – A new United Nations report warns that “in a wide variety of countries,” both physical violence and legal prosecution are used against Indigenous Peoples defending their rights and lands. They are “criminalized”.

The report by the UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, to the UN Human Rights Council describes how private sector interests collude with governments in coveting the lands of Indigenous Peoples for economic development projects.

She was Chair of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues from 2005 to 2010, and actively engaged in drafting and adoption of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in 2007. 






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