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Slums like this have emerged over the years as poverty erupts in an area called Lion's Den, 20km outside Chinhoyi town in Mashonaland West province in Zimbabwe. Credit: Jeffrey Moyo/IDN-INPS

남부아프리카의 도시주민을 덮치는 빈곤

Slums like this have emerged over the years as poverty erupts in an area called Lion's Den, 20km outside Chinhoyi town in Mashonaland West province in Zimbabwe. Credit: Jeffrey Moyo/IDN-INPS【하라레 IDN=제프리 모요】

인생의 어느 하나의 국면에 있어서 그녀는 짐바브웨 국철의 유능한 회계사 였다.짐바브웨의 수도 하라레로 부터 25키로 떨어진 남동부에 위치한 인구가 많은 비정규 거주구역인 에프와스에서 살고있는 그녀가 지금 지내고있는것은 [전락인생]인것이다.

5년전 남편을 잃고 세아이를 갖은 슈바이 치코트씨(48)는 최근 수년간에 빈곤층으로 전락을 해버린 수많은 남부아프리카의 도시주민의 한사람일   뿐이다. 그러한 치코트씨는 향후 13년안에 모든형태의 빈곤을 근절시킨다는 목표를 내세운 유엔의 슬로건에 대하여 특별한  기대조차도 하고있지않다.


Interreligiöse Koalition zielt auf Frieden im Nahen Osten

Von Joan Erakit

NEW YORK (IDN) – Es gibt eine berühmte Bibel-Passage, welche auf die unglückselige Verwandtschaft von Geschwistern hinweist: ein Kind wird von Gott nach seinem Bruder gefragt, den es zu der Zeit schon getötet hat und es leugnet die Zugehörigkeit, indem es zurückfragt: „Bin ich meines Bruders Hüter?“ Einige mögen das Gleichnis von Kain und Abel so interpretieren: Als Menschen sind wir von Geburt an Brüder, die aufeinander achten sollten, es sind jedoch Umstände entstanden, die uns gegeneinander aufgebracht haben. Am Ende ist es die Religion, die dazu berufen ist, die Verpflichtung zu festigen, Menschen mit verschiedenen Hintergründen und Gesichtspunkten auf dieselbe Seite zu ziehen.

Slums like this have emerged over the years as poverty erupts in an area called Lion's Den, 20km outside Chinhoyi town in Mashonaland West province in Zimbabwe. Credit: Jeffrey Moyo/IDN-INPS


Slums like this have emerged over the years as poverty erupts in an area called Lion's Den, 20km outside Chinhoyi town in Mashonaland West province in Zimbabwe. Credit: Jeffrey Moyo/IDN-INPS【ハラレIDN=ジェフリー・モヨ】



Najma Hassan cooking in her kitchen in Kakuma refugee camp, Kenya, Credit: Justus Wanzala | IDN-INPS

L’énergie propre arrive au camp de réfugiés de Kakuma

Par Justus Wanzala  

KAKUMA, Kenya (IDN) – Alors que le soleil se transforme en une boule rouge, qui disparaît peu à peu derrière l’horizon, les résidents du camp de réfugiés de Kakuma, au nord-ouest du Kenya se préparent pour leurs routines nocturnes. Les derniers acheteurs se ruent vers les échoppes de produits alimentaires, les écoliers prennent leurs livres et les mères commencent à préparer le dernier repas du jour.

L’obscurité enveloppe rapidement le camp – qui est administré par l’Agence des Nations Unis pour les réfugiés (UNHCR) – et seulement quelques entreprises et propriétés ont le privilège de posséder des générateurs au diesel ou des lanternes solaires ou au kérosène pour l’éclairage.

Najma Hassan cooking in her kitchen in Kakuma refugee camp, Kenya, Credit: Justus Wanzala | IDN-INPS

Nishati safi Yaja Kambi ya Wakimbizi ya Kakuma Kenya

Na Justus Wanzala

KAKUMA, Kenya (IDN) – Wakati jua linapoingia kwenye mpira nyekundu kutoweka kwenye upeo wa macho, wakazi wa kambi ya wakimbizi ya Kakuma katika Kata ya Turkana, kaskazini-magharibi mwa Kenya, hujirekebisha kwa mambo yale yale ya jioni. Wafanyabiashara wa kuchelewa wanakimbilia maduka ya chakula, watoto wa shule wanachukua vitabu vyao na wamama wanaanza kuandaa chakula cha mwisho cha siku.

Giza inakuza haraka kambi – ambayo inasimamiwa na Shirika la Uhamiaji la Umoja wa Mataifa (UNHCR) – na ni biashara na makazi machahe tu yaliyo na nafasi nzuri ya kuwa na jenereta za dizeli au taa za jua na mafuta ya taa ili kutoa mwangaza.

Najma Hassan cooking in her kitchen in Kakuma refugee camp, Kenya, Credit: Justus Wanzala | IDN-INPS

Energia Limpa Chega ao Acampamento de Refugiados Kakuma no Quênia

Por Justus Wanzala  

KAKUMA, Quênia (IDN) – Enquanto o sol se encolhe em uma bola vermelha e desaparece diretamente no horizonte, residentes do acampamento de refugiados de Turkana County, noroeste do Quênia, se ajustam às suas rotinas noturnas. Compradores tardios correm para as lojas de alimentos, crianças em idade escolar pegam seus livros e as mães preparam a última refeição do dia.

A escuridão rapidamente envolve o acampamento – que é administrado pela Agência de Refugiados da ONU (UNHCR) – e apenas alguns negócios e propriedades rurais estão na feliz posição de possuir geradores a diesel ou lanternas solares ou a querosene para fornecer iluminação.

Colombian Amazon. Credit: Indigenous organization OPIAC


Colombian Amazon. Credit: Indigenous organization OPIAC【カルタヘナ(コロンビア)IDN=ファビオラ・オルティス】



Religious Leaders from Israel and Palestine pose with UN Secretary-General António Guterres (6th from left) and UNAOC High Representative Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser (6th from right). Credit UN Photo

Coalición interreligiosa busca la paz en Oriente Medio

Por Joan Erakit

NUEVA YORK (IDN) – Hay un famoso pasaje bíblico que alude al desafortunado parentesco entre hermanos; un niño es interrogado por Dios acerca de su hermano y él, en el momento de haber matado a su hermano, niega la alianza preguntando: “¿Soy yo el guardián de mi hermano?”.

Algunos pueden interpretar la parábola sobre Caín y Abel de la siguiente manera: siendo humanos, somos hermanos por nacimiento, destinados a cuidar unos de otros, pero han surgido circunstancias que nos han puesto en contra unos de otros. Al final, es la religión la que está llamada a solidificar los lazos, reuniendo en una misma página a personas de diferentes orígenes y puntos de vista.



Snapshot of a film: Spears to semi-automatics: The human cost of conflict in Papua New Guinea Highlands. Credit: ICRC【シドニーIDN=ニーナ・バンダリ】



Najma Hassan cooking in her kitchen in Kakuma refugee camp, Kenya, Credit: Justus Wanzala | IDN-INPS


Najma Hassan cooking in her kitchen in Kakuma refugee camp, Kenya, Credit: Justus Wanzala | IDN-INPS【カクマ(ケニア)IDN=ジュスタス・ワンザラ】








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