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A project of the Non-profit International Press Syndicate Group with IDN as the Flagship Agency in partnership with Soka Gakkai International in consultative status with ECOSOC

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Photo: Dr Poonchai Chitanuntavitaya, Chief Medical Officer of Social Health Enterprise, supervising his trainees while giving massages to visitors to the school for marginalised children, supported by a foundation set up by Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, to empower the students to break into the medical field through an unconventional career path that is providing a multi-faceted approach to addressing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


Photo: Dr Poonchai Chitanuntavitaya, Chief Medical Officer of Social Health Enterprise, supervising his trainees while giving massages to visitors to the school for marginalised children, supported by a foundation set up by Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, to empower the students to break into the medical field through an unconventional career path that is providing a multi-faceted approach to addressing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).【チャンタブリ(タイ北東部)IDN=カリンガ・セネビラトネ】



Photo: A general view of the Vienna UN Conference. Credit: Robert Bosch AG/APA-Fotoservice/Schedl


Photo: A general view of the Vienna UN Conference. Credit: Robert Bosch AG/APA-Fotoservice/Schedl【ウィーンIDN=クリスタ・プライス】



Photo: A general view of the Vienna UN Conference. Credit: Robert Bosch AG/APA-Fotoservice/Schedl


Photo: A general view of the Vienna UN Conference. Credit: Robert Bosch AG/APA-Fotoservice/Schedl【ウィーンIDN=ジュリア・ツィマーマン】




Corsa a ostacoli della Tanzania per promuovere l’emancipazione di genere

Di Kizito Makoye

DAR ES SALAAM (IDN) – Nonostante gli sforzi profusi per promuovere l’uguaglianza di genere, in Tanzania donne e ragazze restano cittadine di serie B, in gran parte non sfruttate nelle loro potenzialità e spesso soggette a discriminazione e violenza da parte maschile, a causa dei pregiudizi di un sistema dominato dagli uomini che, spesso, mette a rischio la stessa sopravvivenza delle donne.                                                                          

Tuttavia, in ottemperanza agli Obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile (Sustainable Development Goal – SDG) dell’ONU, sono in corso varie iniziative per l’empowerment delle donne, anche se esse incontrano ancora ostacoli che ne impediscono il raggiungimento del pieno potenziale.


تنزانيا تدفع بتمكين الجنسين على الرغم من العقبات

 بواسطة كيزيتو ماكوي

دار السلام (IDN) على الرغم من الجهود المبذولة لتعزيز المساواة بين الجنسين، لا تزال النساء والفتيات في تنزانيا مهمشات ومواطنات ناقصات الاستخدام إلى حد كبير – وغالبا ما يعانين من التمييز والعنف من نظرائهن من الرجال بسبب نظام متحيز يهيمن عليه الرجال والذي غالبا ما يدفع النساء إلى حافة البقاء.

وعلى الرغم من ذلك، وتماشيا مع أهداف التنمية المستدامة للأمم المتحدة (SDGs) ، يجري تنفيذ مبادرات مختلفة لتمكين المرأة، على الرغم من أنها لا تزال تواجه عقبات عديدة تمنعها من تحقيق كامل إمكاناتها.

Photo: Dr Poonchai Chitanuntavitaya, Chief Medical Officer of Social Health Enterprise, supervising his trainees while giving massages to visitors to the school for marginalised children, supported by a foundation set up by Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, to empower the students to break into the medical field through an unconventional career path that is providing a multi-faceted approach to addressing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Dottore tailandese sviluppa un approccio poliedrico allo sviluppo sostenibile

Di Kalinga Seneviratne

CHANTABURI, Nord-est della Thailandia (IDN) – Un appassionato medico, conscio della situazione sociale, di questa comunità rurale nel nord-est della Thailandia sta lavorando con una scuola per bambini emarginati, sostenuta da una fondazione fondata dalla principessa Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, la secondogenita del defunto re Bhumibol, morto nell’ottobre 2016.

La scuola mira a responsabilizzare gli studenti ad entrare nel settore della medicina attraverso un percorso di carriera non convenzionale, che fornisce un molteplice approccio per affrontare gli Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile (SDGs).

Photo: Dr Poonchai Chitanuntavitaya, Chief Medical Officer of Social Health Enterprise, supervising his trainees while giving massages to visitors to the school for marginalised children, supported by a foundation set up by Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, to empower the students to break into the medical field through an unconventional career path that is providing a multi-faceted approach to addressing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Doktor sa Thailand, Lumilikha ng Multi-Faceted Approach sa Sustinableng Pag-unlad

Ni Kalinga Seneviratne

CHANTABURI, Hilagang-Silangang Thailand (IDN) – Isang passionate at socially conscious na doktor sa rural na komunidad sa pagsasaka na ito sa hilagang-silangan ng Thailand ang nakikipagtulungan sa isang paaralan para sa mga batang nasa laylayan ng lipunan, na sinusuportahan ng isang foundation na itinayo ni Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhom, ang pangalawang anak na babae ng yumaong King Bhumibol na namatay noong Oktubre 2016.

Nilalayon ng paaralan na bigyang-kapangyarihan ang mga estudyante na makapasok sa larangan ng medisina sa pamamagitan ng isang hindi nakasanayang career path na nagbibigay ng multi-faceted approach sa pagtutok sa Mga Layunin ng Sustinableng Pag-unlad o Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Photo: Dr Poonchai Chitanuntavitaya, Chief Medical Officer of Social Health Enterprise, supervising his trainees while giving massages to visitors to the school for marginalised children, supported by a foundation set up by Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, to empower the students to break into the medical field through an unconventional career path that is providing a multi-faceted approach to addressing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Dottore tailandese sviluppa un approccio poliedrico allo sviluppo sostenibile

Di Kalinga Seneviratne

CHANTABURI, Nord-est della Thailandia (IDN) – Un appassionato medico, conscio della situazione sociale, di questa comunità rurale nel nord-est della Thailandia sta lavorando con una scuola per bambini emarginati, sostenuta da una fondazione fondata dalla principessa Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, la secondogenita del defunto re Bhumibol, morto nell’ottobre 2016.

La scuola mira a responsabilizzare gli studenti ad entrare nel settore della medicina attraverso un percorso di carriera non convenzionale, che fornisce un molteplice approccio per affrontare gli Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile (SDGs).

Photo: Dr Poonchai Chitanuntavitaya, Chief Medical Officer of Social Health Enterprise, supervising his trainees while giving massages to visitors to the school for marginalised children, supported by a foundation set up by Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, to empower the students to break into the medical field through an unconventional career path that is providing a multi-faceted approach to addressing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Dokter Thailand Menciptakan Pendekatan Multifaset terhadap Pembangunan Berkelanjutan

Oleh Kalinga Seneviratne

CHANTABURI, Wilayah Timur Laut Thailand (IDN) –Dokter yang giat dan peduli masyarakat di komunitas pertanian pedesaan di wilayah timur laut Thailand ini bekerja sama dengan sebuah sekolah untuk anak-anak kurang mampu, yang didukung oleh sebuah yayasan yang didirikan oleh Putri Maha Chakri Sirindhorn, putri kedua dari almarhum Raja Bhumibol yang meninggal dunia pada Oktober 2016.

Sekolah tersebut bertujuan untuk memberdayakan para murid guna menyelami bidang kedokteran melalui jalur karier yang tak konvensional, yang menghadirkan pendekatan multifaset guna mewujudkan Tujuan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan, atau Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).



Aisha Shaaban sits in her wooden stall at Mchikichini market in Dar es Salaam waiting for her customers. She’s among women recently trained on women empowerment and how to avoid Gender violence. Credit: Kizito Makoye | IDN-INPS【ダルエスサラームIDN=キジト・マコエ】








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