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Island Nation Seychelles Praised for Launching World’s First Sovereign Blue Bond

By Jaya Ramachandran

NEW YORK | BALI (IDN) – The Government of the Republic of Seychelles, an archipelago of 115 granite and coral islands in the Indian Ocean, off East Africa, has been acclaimed for showing “the leadership to create the world’s first sustainable Blue Bond”.

The pioneering financial instrument was launched within four weeks of the High-Level Forum the government of Seychelles organised together with the 79-member African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States at the United Nations headquarters in New York focusing on the emerging new “blue economy” underlining the protection and preservation of the world’s heavily-exploited oceans.


Southern Africa Turns to Groundwater to Counter Climate Change

By Jeffrey Moyo

CHIMOIO, Mozambique (IDN) – As the blazing heat of the sun beats down on her, 25-year-old Maria Sinorita from Chimoio, a Mozambican town lying approximately 100 km east of the country’s border with Zimbabwe, struggles to draw water from the well in her yard.

For Sinorita, even the water she is drawing from the well is running out and, because she has no option as climate change impacts hit her and many other Mozambicans, she has to dig deeper and deeper for the precious liquid.


Costa Rica Pronta para Alcançar a Neutralidade do Carbono até 2021

Por Fabíola Ortiz

SAN JOSE, Costa Rica (IDN) – Há vinte anos, a Costa Rica embarcou em seu programa nacional de pagamento por serviços ambientais (PES), o primeiro no mundo a começar um esquema em toda o país para compensar proprietários de terras por manter as florestas de pé para as pessoas e o planeta.

Agora que o mundo luta para reduzir as emissões de gás das estufas e limitar o aumento da temperatura global até o final do século, esta nação centro-americana de cinco milhões de pessoas serve como exemplo das políticas públicas que abordam a taxação de combustíveis fósseis em favor da proteção da natureza. O país promete tornar-se neutro em carbono até 2021.


كوستا ريكا مؤهلة لتحقيق الحياد الكربوني بحلول 2021

كتبته فابيولا أورتيز

سان خوسيه، كوستاريكا (IDN) – مضى اثنان وعشرون عاماً منذ بدء كوستاريكا لبرنامجها الوطني للدفع للخدمات البيئية (PES)، وهو الأول في العالم الذي يقوم بخطة على النطاق الوطني لتعويض أصحاب الأراضي للحفاظ على الغابات من أجل البشر والكوكب.

والآن، ومع الصعوبة التي يواجهها العالم لتقليل الانبعاثات الغازية للاحتباس الحراري، والحد من ارتفاع درجات الحرارة عالمياً بحلول نهاية القرن، أعطت هذه الدولة بأمريكا الوسطى التي يبلغ عدد سكانها خمسة مليون نسمة مثالاً عن السياسات العامة التي تخاطب وضع ضرائب على الوقود العضوي لحماية الطبيعة. تتعهد الدولة بأن تصل إلى الحياد الكربوني بحلول 2021.


Costa Rica camino a alcanzar la neutralidad en el 2021

Por Fabiola Ortiz

SAN JOSÉ, Costa Rica (IDN) – Ya han pasado veintidós años desde que Costa Rica se embarcó en su programa nacional de pago por servicios ambientales (PSA), como primera nación en el mundo en iniciar un plan nacional para compensar a los propietarios por conservar los bosques para las personas y el planeta.

Ahora que el mundo lucha por reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero y limitar el aumento en la temperatura global para finales del siglo, esta nación Centroamericana de 5 millones de personas ha servido como ejemplo de políticas públicas que abordan la aplicación de impuestos a combustibles fósiles para favorecer la protección de la naturaleza. El país se compromete a alcanzar la neutralidad en carbono para el 2021.


Costa Rica Set to Achieve Carbon Neutrality by 2021

By Fabiola Ortiz

SAN JOSE, Costa Rica (IDN) – It has been twenty two years since Costa Rica embarked on its national program of payment for environmental services (PES), the first in the world to start a nationwide scheme for compensating landowners for keeping the forests standing for people and the planet.

Now that the world struggles to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and limit the global temperature rise by the end of the century, this Central American nation of five million people has served as an example of public policies addressing the taxation of fossil fuels in favour of the protection of nature. The country pledges to become carbon neutral by 2021. (P13) ARABIC | JAPANESE TEXT VERSION PDF | PORTUGUESESPANISH


Africa Gets Ready for Biodiversity and Climate Change Summits

By Justus Wanzala

NAIROBI (IDN) – African governments have been availing of two conferences at the UN Environment Headquarters in the Kenyan capital in September to gear up for the Biological Diversity Summit in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt, and the Climate Summit in Katowice, Poland.

The African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN) from September 17 to 19 provided an opportunity to prepare for the 14th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD-COP14) from November 17 to 29, 2018 in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt.


Blue Economy Key to Small Islands’ Survival & Prosperity

By Shanta Roy

NEW YORK (ACP-IDN) – When the 79-member African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States – along with the government of Seychelles – sponsored a high-level forum at the United Nations on September 26, the primary focus was the emerging new “blue economy” underlining the protection and preservation of the world’s heavily-exploited oceans.

The world’s Small Island Developing States (SIDS), who comprise some of the most environmentally-vulnerable countries, are being increasingly threatened not only by climate change, resulting in rising seas and shrinking lakes, but also suffering the negative after-effects of pollution, sea-bed mining, illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) fishing and the unauthorized extraction of marine resources in the high seas.


Brazil Sets Up an Innovative Model to Reverse Land Degradation

Viewpoint by Prof. Dr. Valdemar Rodrigues

The writer is Director of Sustainable Rural Development of the Ministry of Environment of Brazil, National Director of the UNDP / GEF / MMA Program and National Director of the FAO / GEF / MMA Program. Prior to joining the Ministry, he was he was a Professor at the Federal University of Piauí. He is a specialist on desertification. This article first appeared in UNCCD Science to Policy Weblog on 13 September 2018. – The Editor


When Climate Change Dishes Up a ‘Toxic Stew’

By William S. Becker*

MILWAUKEE, USA (IDN) – It happened in July 2016. A flash flood roared through Ellicott City, Maryland, killed two people and caused tens of millions of dollars in damages to the historic buildings along Main Street. The experts said it was one of those rare 1,000-year flood events. The city set about the job of rebuilding. It takes a long time – often years – for a community to recover from a devastating flood.






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